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Construction Blueprint (2019-2023) Erasmus+ Program

Strategic focus on Professional Skills in the construction industry.

Training Tools

Designation: All.Construction. Skills Blueprint for the Construction Industry.

Project: Belonging to the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, call 2018, of the Key Action 2 of the Sector Skills Alliances. Lot 3: Sector Skills Alliance for implementing a new strategic approach (Blueprint) to sectorial cooperation on skills.

Identification of the project: 600885-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-SSA-B.

Duration: 4 years, since January 2019 until December 2022. Extended until March 2023!

Budget: 4.000.000 €.

Coordinator of the project: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (Spain).



Website: constructionblueprint.eu

Social networks of Construction Blueprint:   



The main objective of Construction Blueprint is to develop a new sectoral strategic approach to cooperate on skills in the Construction industry, and support a better matching between skills need of companies and skills provided by training centres. To achieve this goal successfully, the project gathers three Sectoral European Organizations, along with nine National Sectoral representatives and twelve Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher Education providers from twelve European Union countries.

Over the four years of the project, a joint sectoral strategy for the construction industry on professional skills is defined, facilitating a sustainable and shared approach at European level, linked to the sector's overall growth strategy, in order to support the industry in addressing the most urgent challenges and achieving its medium and long-term objectives, including innovation, competitiveness and employment.


  • ‘Status Quo of sectoral skills’ report, in which an analysis of the skills needs in the construction sector is carried out.
  • Roadmap and action plan, which has boosted the adoption of the Skills Pact for the Construction Industry.
  • Interactive map, compiling good practices and innovative initiatives addressing skills gaps and mismatches in the sector.
  • Three VET curricula updating the training offer on Energy Efficiency, Digitalisation and Circular Economy, structured in 45 training modules, which have been tested through pilot courses in each of the consortium countries by more than 800 workers and students.
  • Moodle platform containing a collection of more than 60 open online short courses for self-learning in different languages in the above mentioned thematic specialisations.
  • Construction Skills Observatory. A web-based tool for the identification of skills needs at European and national level, based on surveys of companies in the sector.
  • Campaign to improve the attractiveness of construction, through actions aimed mainly at young people and women to promote their access to the sector.
  • Social media campaign, which compiles a series of short videos where construction VET students share their experiences.





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