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BuildOffsiteEU (2022-2024) Erasmus+ Programme

Off-site industry: towards innovation in construction sector

Training Tools

Designation: BuildOffsiteEU. Off-site industry: towards innovation in construction sector

Project: Belonging to the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, call 2022, of the Key Action 2 of the Cooperation partnerships in Vocational Education and Training.

Identification of the project: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000087862.

Duration: 24 months, from December 2022 to December 2024.

Budget: 250.000,00 €.

Coordinator: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (Spain).

Socios: Knowledge and skills management centre -K&S- (Republic of Macedonia); Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije (Slovenia); Istituto per l’istrucione professionale dei lavoratori edili della provincia di Bologna -IIPLE- (Italy); and Pedmede Somateio (Greece).

Website: buildoffsite.fundacionlaboral.org


#BuildOffsiteEU aims to develop different tools to help develop training proposals to fill the skills gaps of the sector's workforce, facilitate their (re)skilling and help them in the transition from traditional construction to industrialised (off-site) construction. The activity developed under the umbrella of industrialised construction is in line with European environmental policies and the fight against climate change, contributing significantly to sustainable development objectives, especially in terms of energy efficiency and circular economy.

The construction sector has a positive impact on several indicators that inform climate change and energy use, which forces the industry to be increasingly efficient and rely on the use of renewables to reach climate and energy levels that guarantee sustainable development. Therefore, industrialised construction is a real option that guarantees sustainable building, which makes it necessary to organise the transition to this new scenario, especially in the field of workforce skills.

Industrialised construction contributes significantly to energy savings by using fewer resources for the manufacture of its products, by shortening construction times (with consequent savings in energy demand) and by prioritising the use of elements made from raw materials with higher and better recycling possibilities, thus contributing to the application of circular economy principles throughout the production cycle.

#BuildingOffsiteEU addresses two priorities of the Erasmus+ programme in the field of education and vocational training:

  • Adapt education and vocational training to the needs of the labour market. Industrialised construction is perceived as a quality, safe option, with high savings rates (in time and material resources).
  • Increase the flexibility of opportunities in vocational education and training with the aim of increasing the capacity and professionalism of the workforce to improve their career development opportunities.


#BuildingOffsiteEU addresses the rest of sustainability by contributing to innovation in vocational education and training in construction. Through participatory approaches and digital technologies, good practices will be integrated into daily activities, developing tools to meet the needs in education and vocational training of the workforce in the sector in the participating countries (Greece, Italy, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Spain), in those skills deficits that may be hindering their incorporation into industrialised construction, increasing their capacity and professionalism. The participation in the project of companies in the sector and experts in the field of training, and the development of innovative tools will bring the needs and opportunities offered by the labour market closer to young people, women, migrants and people at risk of exclusion, strengthening the links between the actors involved in the construction activity, especially in industrialised construction.


The activities of #BuildOffsiteEU include the development of interviews with experts in industrialised construction and in the field of vocational training in the sector to understand the situation of industrialised construction and its relationship with the principles of energy efficiency and the circular economy; surveys among companies to detect the skills gaps in the workforce in the most outstanding professional profiles; and the development of innovative digital tools that facilitate the development of training proposals and initiatives that cover these skills needs (skills map, training itinerary proposal). In addition, the project includes the development of support tools for the dissemination and advertising of results and products (web portal, newsletter) and the holding of events in each of the participating countries to bring together companies, VET providers and training staff, vocational education and training providers, potential clients from the industrialised construction industry, and the general public.

Vocational Education and Training provider organisations, business associations, a research centre and a cluster related to the construction sector will work together in the #BuildOffsiteEU project to strengthen the quality of vocational training in the construction industry, to propose tools to fill the competence gaps for the transition from traditional to industrialised construction and to strengthen the image of a modern, innovative, digitalised and green construction sector.





The BuildOffsiteEU project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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  • Responsable del tratamiento: FUNDACIÓN LABORAL DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN.
  • Finalidad del tratamiento: mantener al usuario informado sobre la actualidad de la FUNDACIÓN LABORAL DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN y del sector de la construcción.
  • Legitimación: consentimiento del interesado.
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