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HABITABLE (2023-2027) Erasmus+ Programme

Alliance of centres of excellence in Vocational Training for a sustainable habitat


Designation: HABITABLE. Alliance of centres of excelence in Vocatonal Training for sustainable habitat.

Project: Belonging to the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, call 2022, Partnership for Excellence - Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE).

Identification of the project: 101104680.

Duration: 48 months, from June 2023 to May 2027.

Budget:  4,998,387 € (3,998,710 € funded).

Coordinator: AEICE Clúster de Hábitat Eficiente (Spain).

Partners: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (Spain); Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León -EDUCACYL (Spain); Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional - CIFP PICO FRENTES, beloging to EDUCACYL (Spain); Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional - CIFP TECNOLÓGICO INDUSTRIAL, beloging to EDUCACYL (Spain); Instituto para el Fomento del Desarrollo y la Formación -INFODEF- (Spain); Fundación Instituto de la Construcción de Castilla y León -ICCL- (Spain); Fundación Centro de Servicios y Promoción Forestal y de su Industria de Castilla y León -CESEFOR- (Spain); Asociación Empresarial de Investigación Centro Tecnológico del Mueble y la Madera de la Región de Murcia -CETEM- (Spain); Centro Habitat (Portugal); Centro Tecnológico de Cerámica y Vídrio -CTCV- (Portugal); Universidad de Aveiro -UAVR- (Portugal); Holzcluster Styria -HCS- (Austria); ibw Investigación y Desarrollo en FP (Austria); Universidad de Salzburgo -FHS- (Austria); Clúster de Bioeconomía y Medio Ambiente de Macedonia Occidental -CluBE- (Greece); DIMITRA (Greece); Universidad de Tesalia -UTH- (Greece); Institución Pública Centro de Excelencia en Energética y Electrónica -IP CEEE- (Moldova); Escuela Superior de Construcción -CONSTRUCT2- (Moldova).

Website: habitable-cove.eu/

Social Networks of HABITABLE: Coming soon.


The habitat industrial ecosystem, which includes different sectors and complementary industries in the construction value chain (building and renovation, quarries, cement, ceramics, tiles and bricks, wood, furniture and cork, plaster, lime and plastering, urban sanitation, gardening, waste revaluation and management, ancillary services, etc.), is strategic and indispensable to address the green and digital transition facing the European Union.

These complementary sectors are key to the growth of companies, the exploitation of raw materials and the endogenous resources,  the territorial cohesion and the tranfosmation of cities and villages, where the human capital plays an important role.

However, the companies report a shortage of workers, as well as skills missmatches. So, it is essential to attract more people to the sector and equipping them with the right skills, especially the young people.

Reaping the benefits of the ecological transition requires a proactive process of skills upgrading and retraining. A lot of countries have started up initiatives to promote the excellence in Professional Training and Education and to connect with the innovation and skills ecosystems. On the basis of these examples, the concept of Centres of Professional Excellence is being developed, with a view to making them world-class benchmarks for training in specific areas.

The HABITABLE project aims to respond to the challenges and needs of the Habitat sector in terms of skills shortages and mismatches arising from the digital and green transition, improving the responsiveness of VET systems to this changes, and promoting at the same time the inclusion and the equity in education. Having this objective, the project will create a Platform of Professional Centres of Excellence in the Habitat sector, taking and strategic point of view for the implication of VET institutions that will actively contribute to the creation of a “skills ecosystem”, together with local and regional partners and Centres of Professional Excellence in other countries, through international collaborative newtorks.

The consortium is composed of 20 partners from 6 European countries: Spain, Austria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova and Portugal.

Expected results

  • Development of a SMART platform of information for competences on sector competences.
  • Analysis of the skills outlook on the habitat sector in Austria, España, Grecia and Portugal.
  • Development of an intelligent skills monitoring system for the sector, which provides regularly updated information to forecast skills gaps between VET supply and labour market needs.
  • The creation of the tool TOP HABITAT which provides updated information about current training offers in the habitat skills ecosystems participating in the project.
  • Design of a Sectoral Job and Skills Map describing the labour market and VET within a recognisible,  clear and easy context to identify the professional and learning career.
  • The creation of a collaborative platform fro Centres of Excellence (CoVEs) and pymes to support the methology Work-Based Learning (WBL) in the habitat sector.
  • The creation of a Business-Education Partnership Incubator, where the exchange of best practices, resources and tools in BIM Execution Plans (BEP) will be promoted.
  • Development of a comprehensive programme of technical support to SMEs to facilitate their participation in quality learning programmes, providing a set of innovative methods to align learning programmes with the European Framework for Quality and Effective Learning (EFQEA), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to support the digital and green transition.
  • Training course on the design and management of Green, Digital and Inclusive Learning, for VET staff an in-company teachers.
  • Design of a bank of innovative projects and resources for the promotion of social inclusion, diversity and equity through WBL.
  • Development of recommendations for habitat ecosystems to promote the social inclusion, the diversity and the equity in learning.
  • Development of SKILLS HUB, a multifunctional online platform for skills training, certification, and career guidance for the habitat sector.
  • Design of online training programmes for teachers on digital skills for teaching in VET, WBL, and the design and management of Green, Digital and Inclusive Learning.
  • Design of online training programmes for SMEs for the recualification and improvement of the qualification in pymes, and the design and management of Green, Digital and Inclusive Learning.
  • Design of online training programmes for VET trainees on work skills based on the WBL methodology.
  • Development of an online digital database compiling innovative curricula in a wide range of strategic areas for the habitat skills ecosystem.
  • Setting up of a micro-credential certification centre.
  • Development of the multilingual SMART Career Guidance Assitant (CGA), a digital online solutioan based on an artificial intelligence system that offers personalized career guidance for the habitat sector to users.
  • Elaboration of a Vocational Handbook for the habitat sector.
  • The creation of an International Networking Alliance for Sustainable Habitat, which will define a Competence strategy for the habitat sector.
  • Elaboration of recommendations for the implementation of a regional and local strategy for the upward convergence of Centres of Excellence (CoVEs).
  • Development of the skills ecosystem INNOVATON TANK, a workspace focused on open innovation, where the ecosystem of skills developed by the project will address the challenges of the habitat sector, working together with SMEs, VET centres, educational institutions, innovation Hubs and other technological centres.
  • Development of the LAB for the co-creation of new projects for Centres of Excellence (CoVEs), where new opportunities for collaboration between actors in the field of VET will be generated.
  • Creation of a mobility programme for ambassadors of Centres of Excellence (CoVEs) for the bilateral exchange of innovations.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


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