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EPIU (2019-2022) UIA Programme

Identify energy vulnerability, through an intelligent advanced analysis tool and adapted solutions.


Designation:  EPIU Getafe Hogares Saludables. Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit.

Project: Belonging to UIA (Urban Innovative Actions) Programme of the European Union, fourth call (2019), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Identification of the project: UIA04-212.

Duration: 36 months, from September 2019 to August 2021. Extended until August 2023!

Budget: € 6,242,850 (€ 4,982,280.36 ERDF co-financing).

Coordinator of the project: Ayuntamiento de Getafe (Spain).

Partners: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, Empresa Municipal del Suelo y Vivienda de Getafe -EMSV-, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Asociación de Ciencias Ambientales, Fundación Naturgy, Khora Urban Thinkers, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y Cruz Roja Getafe (Spain).

Website: https://hogaressaludables.getafe.es/en/

Social Network of EPIU Getafe. Hogares Saludables:   



EPIU Getafe Hogares Saludables project helps to identify and reduce energy poverty in two neighbourhoods in Getafe: Las Margaritas and La Alhóndiga-Fátima, identified by regional government as critical areas for Urban Regeneration and Renewal. Despite its local character, this initiative has a European vocation and to transfer good practices; therefore, its final objective is to implement this system in other localities, improving the quality of life and the comfort of their inhabitants.

To achieve this, nine Spanish partners, led by Getafe City Council, will work together for three years to develop an Intelligence Unit to identify households with Energy Vulnerability and to offer tailored solutions that reduce their economic, social and environmental effects. Along with this task, partnership aims to raise awareness among Getafe's citizens about the negative impact of poor energy performance in their building, and to inform them about public services and possible actions that they can implement.

The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) programme

For the first time, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción is participating in an initiative of the European programme Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) that seeks to provide innovative solutions for the sustainable development of urban areas, supports urban authorities, with the aim of reinforcing socio-economic cohesion within the European Union and correcting imbalances between its regions.

Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit (EPIU)

The innovation of this project lies in re-conception of the term 'energy poverty' considering all people who cannot keep their homes at a comfortable temperature, either because of economic problems or because they are forced to allocate an excessive part of their income to this issue.

The initiative focuses on the development of a data analysis system (EPIU) that collects information on energy consumption, income and other factors that measure energy expenditure in households, in both neighbourhoods, in order to catalogue them according to their characteristics and divide them, taking into account the vulnerability level, into three scales: household, building and neighbourhood. 

These cases considered by the tool as 'energy vulnerable' will be analysed by an interdisciplinary team of the City Council that will assess the implementation of tailor-made solutions and a system of compensatory commitment. It is expected that around 15 buildings and 200 homes of Getafe will improve their quality of life and comfort, thanks to EPIU project.

In this way, being able to quantify and qualify the energy vulnerability of households gives a deeper insight into the problem faced by European countries, helping to define best public interventions.






This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Urban Innovative Actions Intiative. 
The content of this publication reflects only the views of the author. The managing authority of the programme is not liable for how this information may be used.

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