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Newsletters Building Europe

All the 'Building Europe' newsletters of Fundación Laboral de la Construcción including the latest news on international projects co-funded by the European Commission

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On 26th October 2018, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción launched for the first time the quarterly newsletter Building Europe, with the latest news on projects co-funded by the European Commission (EC) programmes, such as: Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, Interreg Sudoe and Poctefa; Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) or tenders such as H&S Blueprint-.

This publication also reflects the Fundación's role in the European context and in the international networks in which it participates: Conference on Project Development (CPD Network), Refernet, the Reforme network, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA)the European Association of Paritarian (AEIP) and European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP)

In addition to informing about international news on initiatives in the European framework.


NEWSLETTER No 24 | July - September, Thuesday 23rd July 2024

NEWSLETTER No 23 | April - June, Friday 26th April 2024

NEWSLETTER No 22 | January - March, Friday 19th January 2024

NEWSLETTER No 21 | October - December, Friday 24th November 2023

NEWSLETTER No 20 | July - September 2023, Thuesday 20th July 2023

NEWSLETTER No 19 | April - June 2023, Monday 8th May 2023

NEWSLETTER No 18 | January - March 2023, Thuesday 2nd February 2023

NESWLETTER No 17 | October - December 2022, Friday 28th October 2022

NEWSLETTER No 16 | July - September 2022, Friday 15th July 2022

NEWSLETTER No 15 | April - June 2022, Friday 29th April 2022

NEWSLETTER No 14 | January - March 2022, Friday 28th January 2022

NEWSLETTER No 13 | October - December 2021, Friday 29th October 2021

NEWSLETTER No 12 | July - September 2021, Friday 16th April 2021

NEWSLETTER No 11 | April - June 2021, Friday 23rd April 2021

NEWSLETTER No 10 | January - March 2021, Friday 22nd January 2021

NEWSLETTER No 09 | October - December 2020, Friday 23rd October 2020

NEWSLETTER No 08 | July - September 2020, Friday 10th July 2020

NEWSLETTER No 07 / April - June 2020, Friday 27th April 2020

NEWSLETTER No 06 | January - March 2020, Friday 24th January 2020

NEWSLETTER No 05 | October - December 2019,  Friday 25th October 2019

NEWSLETTER No 04 | July - September 2019, Friday 12nd July 2019

NEWSLETTER No 03 | April - June 2019, Friday 26th April 2019

NEWSLETTER No 02 | January - March 2019, Friday, 25th January 2019

NEWSLETTER No 01 | October - December 2018, Friday 26th October 2018



The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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